Sep 3, 2008

How to Pack a Good Lunch for Your Child

from wikiHow - The How to Manual That You Can Edit

Children are bombarded with unhealthy advertisements every day, like the 'packaged food invasion'. With obesity becoming a bigger problem, you might want to consider packing your kids' lunch from now on. These are some handy tips to keep in mind:


  1. Get a hardy lunch bag or box. You will need one that is able to hold food, money, and any extras (i.e. medications) your child may need.
  2. Pack a small, healthy snack, like crackers and cheese, yogurt, a fruit cup... the choices are endless.
  3. Incorporate some protein in the main part of the meal. A tuna sandwich (easy on the mayo), a bean burrito or last night's dinner can all be used.
  4. Freeze a juice box overnight, and put it in with the foodstuffs. It will keep the food cold, and will thaw by the time lunch begins.
  5. Give the kid a break every once in a while, and give them a treat. Depending on the child, you could put anything from a cookie to a few pieces of sushi in there.


  • It's amazing how handy plastic containers can be.
  • Mix it up every now and then; maybe your child would enjoy some falafel or an egg roll. 'Exotic' foods like these can be made from a recipe or bought.
  • If the juice box doesn't cut it, an ice pack inside a resealable bag works just as well.
  • Don't forget the appropriate utensils. You don't want your child to have a delicious soup in front of him and all he's got is a fork.
  • It might be considered a little bit 'uncool' to have lunch from home (from middle-school onwards). If you've got a teenager, paper bag the lunch.
  • If the school's got a cafeteria, you might try their food for a change. Be sure your child has money.
  • Make sure you're giving your child food he or she actually likes!


  • It's best not to include nuts. Most schools have banned them for the benefit of allergic kids. Check first.
  • Do not pack anything that will spoil without refrigeration.
  • Check that the school's got a microwave before you pack a frozen mini-pizza. Sure it might thaw (after three days..) on its own, but will he still be hungry?

Things You'll Need

  • A lunch box or a paper bag
  • A thermos
  • Some plastic containers and resealable bags
  • Frozen juice box or and ice pack
  • Your choice of foods
  • Spoons, Forks, Chopstick, Sporks...

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Article provided by wikiHow, a collaborative writing project to build the world's largest, highest quality how-to manual. Please edit this article and find author credits at the original wikiHow article on How to Pack a Good Lunch for Your Child. All content on wikiHow can be shared under a Creative Commons license.

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