Sep 3, 2008

How to Easily Clean Baby's Cradle Cap Dandruff Without Hurting the Baby

from wikiHow - The How to Manual That You Can Edit

You know the white patches that build up in a small baby's hair no matter how careful you are to keep the baby clean? Well here is an easy way to get it out without making baby cry.


  1. Be gentle or you will damage the scalp. Always begin by rubbing a small amount of oil into the baby's scalp. Natural oils such as almond or olive oil are preferred. Let the oil sit for 20 minutes.or, whip egg whites and apply to scalp and let dry.
  2. Gently, with a fine toothed baby comb, lift and work out the flakes that you can. Do not pick at bits that are attached to the scalp.
  3. Put a small amount of Selsun Blue shampoo on the baby's head, add some warm water and gently clean and rinse the scalp with a cloth. Natural Tee Tree Oil shampoos work well, too!
  4. If the build-up of skin is very bad, it will take two or three times to get it all. Don't do everything in one day.


  • Keep in mind that the flakes are not bothering your baby, so don't feel that you have to eliminate them immediately. Cradle Cap is a fungus just like adult dandruff. While it may itch, the appearance of the flakes probably bothers you more than the itching does your baby!


  • Tea Tree oil is toxic. Pure Tea Tree oil can make even an adult sick. If you are going to use it at all on a child, use it sparingly as well as diluting.

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