Sep 3, 2008

How to Get Your Kids to Eat Food That They Don't Like

from wikiHow - The How to Manual That You Can Edit

You've begged and you've pleaded. You've cried and you've screamed. Yet, your kids still won't eat what you know is good for them? Try these tactics to assure that children are both happy and healthy.


  1. Apologize to your kids for any negative behavior regarding food on your part. For example, if you have, in the past, taken away privilages unrelated to food (for example, computer time) then this is the time to say you're sorry and you won't do this again. Food should be related to food and nothing else, unless you want to continue the battles.
  2. Review the USDA's food pyramid with your children so they understand what constitutes a healthy diet.
  3. Create a new rule such as "If you don't finish what's for dinner, you don't get dessert." Explain this rule to your children well in advance of mealtime so they will be prepared.
  4. Plan your menus so you include some of your children's favorites so they know you do care about what they think. For example, if you know your child's favorite food is macaroni & cheese then ask him or her which vegetable from a choice of one or two he or she would like with it.
  5. Involve your children in the cooking. Even if it is something as simple as turning on the cold water, it's amazing what foods kids will eat if they feel they have cooked it themselves.
  6. Refuse to battle with your children during meal times by offering an alternative vegetable such as a chopped up raw carrot with dressing. Do not, however, allow them dessert if they go for the alternative. This has the dual effect of assuring they eat healthy and that whatever they are passing up is truly disliked.
  7. Thank your children for a wonderful mealtime.


  • The first few times you try this, you may wish to make or buy an extra special dessert, one you would not ordinarily have around the house. This adds just a bit more incentive for your children to eat what's for dinner.
  • Be realistic about how much your children are capable of eating. A good rule of thumb is a tablespoon of food per year of age.
  • Understand that there will be foods that your children will not eat no matter what. The important thing is to assure that their diet is balanced and healthy.
  • Remember, many children do not like their foods as strongly flavored as their adult counterparts do. If you need to, make milder, kid friendly versions of things like tacos and spaghetti. Either that, or feel free to open up a can of something like Spaghetti-O's on those nights when you or your spouse just need the heat.
  • A thought on condiments: if it makes you cringe when your little ones pour the ketchup on that T-bone, either serve them something else for dinner or look the other way.
  • Things even the littlest ones can do to help with the cooking:
    • Retrieve items for a meal, such as a block of cheese from the refrigerator or large plastic bowls (if you have these on a higher shelf, give them a boost).
    • Toss a salad (if your children are pre-school age or younger be prepared to clean up flying lettuce).
    • Stir. Depending on the age and maturity of the child, they can mix cold items during prep times or even things on the stove with close supervision.
    • Pour. Definitely don't start with liquid ingredients or things guaranteed to cause an irreversable mess the first time you try this, but even toddlers love to pour dried mac & cheese powder over noodles while older kids enjoy the responsibility of handling hot ingredients (such as gravy) on their own.
    • Cut hot dogs or other soft food with a butter knife. This provides an environment for you to teach your children how to handle knives safely with very little risk to small fingers.


  • If you have been battling with your children for a long time over what they eat for mealtime and how much, be prepared for them to continue to try to argue with you. Do not give in, and don't threaten. Simply remind them of the new rule once and the alternatives. It may not seem like it at the time, but a temper tantrum will stop sooner if you ignore it.
  • Close supervision means just that. A kitchen can be a dangerous place for the inexperienced chef so make sure the little ones know all the rules before they help you out, and you keep an eye on them as they near a hot stove or sharp knives.

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Sources and Citations

  • USDA's food pyramid Knowledge is power, and the game on this site (designed for 6-11 year olds) makes learning about healthy choices a bit more fun.

Article provided by wikiHow, a collaborative writing project to build the world's largest, highest quality how-to manual. Please edit this article and find author credits at the original wikiHow article on How to Get Your Kids to Eat Food That They Don't Like. All content on wikiHow can be shared under a Creative Commons license.

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