Sep 3, 2008

How to Determine if Your Child Is Being Molested

from wikiHow - The How to Manual That You Can Edit

Child molestation is a very serious problem that can happen to any child. Determining if your child is actually being molested requires your best guess based on the proof that you find. Follow these signs if you have suspicions that you child is actually being molested and take immediate actions.


  1. Determine if your child has sleep disturbances such as bed-wetting, nightmares or if he or she is scared to go to bed.
  2. Look for changes in your child's behavior such as having big-time mood swings, withdrawl from everything, fearfulness and crying on a regular basis.
  3. Beware if your child changes his or her toilet training habits.
  4. Watch if your child starts to develop fears of certain places, people or activities.
  5. Consult your child's school, if your child has problems in school or with his or her behavior such as acting out sexual activity or being curious about certain sexual matters.
  6. Inspect your child's body and look for unexplained marks such as Bruises, rashes, cuts, limping, multiple and poorly explained injuries.
  7. Observe your child's private areas and look for certain things such as pain, itching, bleeding, fluid or rawness.


  • If you suspicions are confirmed about your child being molested take immediate actions, immediately investigate your child's pals, teachers, friend's parents and so on and report it to the police.

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